Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader

magine that you have been asked to give a 60-minute workshop to a group of leaders on the topic of Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader. Based on your reading of this book, create a curriculum that summarizes and highlights your best of the best takeaways from the book. Develop a PowerPoint that is suitable for a public presentation on the topic and be sure to include at least 1 short activity for the participants as well. The goal of this assignment is to give you an immediate tool that you can use to do conflict management training with leaders. Be sure to identify the type of leaders youll be presenting this material to the material must suit the needs of your audience. This assignment should include:

  1.  An Outline. After you have read the book, and before you begin your PowerPoint, prepare a 1-2 page outline of your presentation. This outline should be the curricular framework for your presentation and should include: a brief description of your audience, section titles with a brief summary of the content you intend to include (bullet points under each section are fine); the desired learning outcomes for each section of your presentation; a timeline of the order and how much time each section would take to present; and your idea for the activity(s) you will use. Be sure to submit this outline with your PowerPoint presentation in Moodle.
  2. A PowerPoint. Please note that the PowerPoint should not be cluttered by have long sentences or use many direct quotes. Use bullet-points for the key ideas and unpack these ideas in the NOTES section underneath each slide (tips for creating a PowerPoint are at the end of the syllabus). Write your notes as a narrative of what you would say in your presentation.  I want to see your presentation as if I were really there, so describe your teaching in the Notes section below each slide IN YOUR OWN WORDS and expand on the bullet points in the presentation itself. Your goal is to cover the most important content in the book, including at least one interactive activity, in a 60-minute time period to demonstrate that you have a strong grasp of the material, evidenced by your narrative description in the Notes section under each PowerPoint slide. You should have no more than 25 slides in this presentation. Feel free to add images to your slides to make them more visually appealing Google Images is a good place to find some.
  3. Just a PPT (no video) but make sure you type your narrative (what you would say) below each slide. Hope that makes sense. 
  4. A Short Activity. Create and embed at least one (but no more than three) brief activity(s) in your presentation for your audience to engage in. In the same manner as your teaching, give bullet points about the activity and fully describe how you would explain it to the group in the Notes section. An activity guide is uploaded in Moodle for your reference if youd like to adopt one of these activities, or feel free to create your own activity.