concerning the extent of government surveillance authority, the value of privacy
in the digital age, and the role of Congress in reconciling these issues. Drones
are not just used by the military; there are several civil aviation uses that have
been developed. Trace the history and discuss the various current uses of drone
currently being debated in the national limelight.
According to Graff and Birkenstein (2014), learning to summarize appropriately is
essential to engaging in the academic conversation. This is true whether your
contribution to the conversation is written or oral. It is important to present the positions
of others fairly and accurately as you pose and defend your own position on the topic.
Focus on chapter 2 as you engage in this exercise/short assignment.
Choose one article that you might use for your course paper that presents a position
you strongly disagree with. Write a neutral, fair and accurate summary of the article.
Then, revise your summary twice the first time to indicate agreement with the position,
and the second time to indicate disagreement with the position. Remember these two
revised summaries must represent the position of the author fairly and accurately, but
also indicate some level of agreement or disagreement as per the moves in the Graff
and Birkenstein (2014) text.
Submit all three summaries in one doc/docx or pdf file. Each summary should be about
page, doubled spaced, 12 point Times New Roman. Please label the summaries
neutral, agree, and disagree. Explain the moves you used to agree and disagree in a
Assignment: Annotated Bibliography
According to Graff and Birkenstein (2014), it is important to represent the viewpoints
and positions of others fairly and accurately. To do so, it is necessary to generate
summaries that are free of judgment or bias toward your own perspective. Someone
reading your summaries should have no idea where you stand on the topic. Focus on
chapter 2 for guidance as you engage in this assignment.
Select one of the topics available for the course paper, and locate at least 5 of the 8
sources required for the course paper. Sources must be professional journals, book
chapters, trade resources, and professional organizations; Wikipedia is not acceptable.
Read the articles and generate an annotated bibliography consisting of citations in APA
style and summaries that represent the position of the author (without indicating your
perspective). You can revisit the Tutorials and Resources folder for helpful resources
Submit the annotated bibliography as a doc/docx or pdf file. Each summary should be
about page, doubled spaced, 12 point Times New Roman. Organize the citations
and summaries in alphabetical order by last name of the first author on each citation.
Then, provide each summary below its citation as an indented block of text.