
Choose any TWO of the articles from the list below and summarize it in your own words. Upload your summary in pdf format here. Your summary should be typed in Times New Roman, 1.5 Line spacing, 12 point. The article should also include your OWN thoughts on Data Ethics and should be approximately 500 words long. Please make sure you mention the articles you read. 

Articles : 
  • Solon Barocas, danah boyd (2017) Engaging the Ethics of Data Science in Practice, Communications of the ACM.
  • Ethan Zuckerman (2016) The Perils of Using Technology to Solve Other People’s Problems, The Atlantic.
  • Eric Horvitz, Deirdre Mulligan (2015) Data, privacy, and the greater good, Science.
  • Ivan Illich (1968) To Hell With Good Intentions.
  • Solon Barocas, danah boyd (2017) Engaging the Ethics of Data Science in Practice, Communications of the ACM.
  • Ethan Zuckerman (2016) The Perils of Using Technology to Solve Other People’s Problems, The Atlantic.
  • Eric Horvitz, Deirdre Mulligan (2015) Data, privacy, and the greater good, Science.
  • Ivan Illich (1968) To Hell With Good Intentions.