Teaching Reflection Assignment

Instructions:Follow these instructions for each of the STEM Resource & Teaching Reflection essays.1. Resource Selection: Unit Readings and Resources Sectiono Read all the unit resources and visit all the assigned website linksbefore you make your selection.o, select one (1) resource to explore and write your reflective essay. Provide the citationfor the resource in APA 7 format.o What is the overall idea of the resource and how does it relate to what weare studying? Summarize in your own words the overall idea and/or mainpoint of the resource. Discuss how the resource idea and/or main pointrelate to the STEM topic(s) we are currently studying. Example: How doesit relate to the unit of science, technology, engineering, or math dependingon which week you are responding to?o What clicked for you from this resource and how does what you learned to connect to other resources? Describe one important idea, strategy, ortechnique that you may use in the classroom or in the future. In what way willthis idea, strategy, or technique help you connect the STEM domain to aworld view of daily life issues for your students? Make a connection toanother resource that you read from this unit or a previous unit. Make sureto properly cite this other resource.o How has this resource changed your thinking? Be specific about yourthoughts prior to this reading and what caused that aha! moment ofchange?Requirements: Each essay should include the four bullets and your answers underneath each. Submit each essay as a Word document in APA 7 format with Title Page andReference Page. Each essay should be a minimum of two (2) pages, excluding the Title andReference pages