I. Researchthe company and gather the relevant facts about the company.
II. Determinethe 3 major problems or opportunities for the company.
III. Construct a complete, detailedbusiness analysis plan for the future.
IV. Create a comprehensive data planfor the business analysis strategies.
V. Recommendthe steps leaders need to take to achieve improved business results.
The reportmust follow the APA format with the required title page.
No bullet list, graphs, or chartsshall be included in Sections I-V. Only textual sentences are permitted.
There willbe very little white space on these pages of the report.
Section I Relevant Company Facts
Must includea full page of background information.
Section II Three Major Problems or Opportunities
Mustinclude at least 1 full page.
SectionIII Detailed Business Analysis Plan
Mustinclude at least 2 full pages with specific details and not just generalstatements.
Section IV Comprehensive Data Plan
Mustinclude at least 2 full pages with specific details and not just generalstatements.
Section V Recommendations
Mustinclude at least 2 full pages with specific details and not just generalstatements.
Includeall bullet lists, graphs, and charts for reference. Summaries of this data canbe included in textual format in the other sections of the report.
List allreferences in APA format.