Write a 5-Paragraph Essay
Essay #1
Select either Oedipus Rex, Tartuffe, Much Ado About Nothing, A Raisin in the Sun, Death of a Salesman, A Dolls House, or A Streetcar Named Desire and write a 5-paragraph essay explaining how the play reflects the society in which it was produced and how/why is it relevant to today’s society. This essay is worth 100 points; it will be graded on the following:
The essay must be between 2 1/2 to 3 pages, double-spaced size 12 font. (10 points)
Essay should be well-organized using standard paragraphs and include the following: (30 points)
An introduction should begin with a statement to get the attention of your reader; include a few comments related to art and society; and end with a thesis statement (three main points) to be explained in the body
The three body paragraphs should begin with a clear topic sentence.
Your essay should end with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and a clincher or statement about why this play is important.
All grammar rules apply, mechanics and punctuation. Check spelling. (30 points)
The content, the information you provide on your topic, is the most important part of this report. (30 points)
Make sure that you provide your readers with adequate examples from the play to support points.
Your essay must reflect an adequate understanding of textbook topic ” Background Of The Period”, pages 39 though 43. Pay close attention to ” Theater and Society”, p46 and “Modern Theater and Culture”, p 50. (Please note: This is not a research paper; however, your essay should reflect an understanding of assigned textbook readings and professor’s lecture notes. If you pull information from other sources, you must give in-text citations and a Works Cited page.)