United States Marine Corps Hccs Weapons Of Mass D

United States Marine Corps Hccs Weapons Of Mass D



Discuss which weapon of mass destruction talked about in the first video has the most potential for being a weapon of choice for the terrorists and why.

comments on these 2 posts:

Post 1 Phong:

The type of weapon of mass destruction that terrorists typically utilize would be explosives. This is the case because not only are explosives highly effective in causing devastation, it is also very cheap and easy to create. Truth be told rudimentary explosives can be made using things that can be bought from a place like Wal-Mart. With recent events in mind however, the weapon of mass destruction that has the most potential for terror cells outside of explosives would be biological weapons. Biological weapons can include things such as bacteria, toxins, and even viruses. Terror cells typically don’t look at biological weapons, since acquiring the materials necessary is not simple. With COVID – 19 however, it is not absurd to assume that terrorists are taking a second look at these types of weapons. Coronavirus was able to put the world in a state of panic in a matter of months. That is a power that terror cells would love to have.

Post 2 Isabel:

The weapon of choice for the terrorists today are the explosives and call radiological. As I believe exists many types of explosives and for that reason, people can create an explosive so easily. According to the Official Website of the United States Marine Corps terrorist use explosives devices because “their materials and technology are more readily available than those of biological, chemical, nuclear, or radiological weapons. Of course, explosions also may be involved with or used to disperse these and other threat agents” (Terrorist Explosives). In my opinion, terrorists use explosives as weapons because they are very easy to make, the terrorist can find factory explosives or most of them are improvised in public places. However, another point that I believe why terrorist use explosive is because explosives are a very easy weapon to hide anywhere and can be transported very easily either by land, mailed, or shipped. Also, the material required for explosives sometimes is stolen or misappropriated from the military. The last point is because the person behind the explosive can have the manipulation of the device and that makes the terrorists can use the explosive whenever they wish and want.