week 5 : critique essay

please do following tasks.   

-do the critique essay 

1.you should  follow the video,  rubric and instructions properly. the length should be 700 to 900 words 

 2. you need to write crieique essay based on 2 or 3 sources. ( 1 source is the reading and other sources will be the refrence )  

reading : ” Elon Musk Says Bitcoin Has Great Cost to Environment and Tesla Will No Longer Accept It” 

reading link :  https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8bkx/elon-musk-says-bitcoin-has-great-cost-to-environment-and-tesla-will-no-longer-accept-it

instructions , student sample and rubric  will upload as a pictures 

video links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTikgc0Cx7k

you might need to edit it just you know