week 6: Current topic and trends

please do follwoing tasks: 

– do current topic and trends assignment 

This assignment asks you  to pick two current topics or industry trends to 
research.  This assignment gives students an opportunity to choose two important topics influencing today’s hospitality industry.  

you will need to use canva template and  Write your topic summary/description into the 
text area of each of your two pages, Add three appropriate photos or images to illustrate each of 
your two pages.  then Add your references (3 per topic) to the References page at the back of the book.

see the all links : 
1.   https://e.centennialcollege.ca/d2l/le/content/742839/viewContent/9329804/View
2.    https://e.centennialcollege.ca/d2l/le/content/742839/viewContent/9329805/View
3.    https://e.centennialcollege.ca/d2l/le/content/742839/viewContent/9329808/View ( link for
 canva template)    

once you open the thirs link, you will find google doc and canva template. but you only need to do 
the canve one.  
when i open the canva templae , you need just put photos or images in page 5 and 6,  and put three refrences each 
topic in page 26 only.  writing should upload as a word document.  
please do not delete or change any contents
-do the quiz 6 
I will give you the informations once it’s available