What do other health care professions think of my profession?

Reflection: What do other health care professions think of my profession? 

Value of practice requires a 360-degree perspective.  Incorporating at least one of the resources found on the assignment page or a resource found on your own, the student is to submit a reflection on the following statement, What do other health care professions think of my profession? This refection must be from the perspective of at least two other healthcare disciplines (not Respiratory Therapists). This reflection should be a minimum of 500 words with at least two referenced citations.

Use at minimum a three-paragraph format

    1. Introduction: restate the question, state your position relative to the reflection
    2. Body: present the reasons you have taken that position in your introduction
    3. Conclusion: tie together your opening and supportive arguments in summation.

Submissions are to be in APA 7th Ed format, 12 pt Times New Roman font and include a title page.