WRITING ARGUMENTS — Or: Why Not Cook the Puppy?


Here is the question you must riddle:

WHAT are the best reasons why not to nuke the puppy, Sparky?


  • Size-12 Times
  • New Roman Font,
  • Double-spaced, (Remember — Canvas does not show you double-space, but does me: see Announcements)
  • Abstract (see Announcements)
  • Documentation with citations and work cited 
  • Two sources (at least!!)
  • At least one page


  1. Read all the scenarios.
  2. Pick the TWO "best."
  3. Argue for them using RESEARCH (Google) and argument form (The Cluster Form from the first week is easiest — See below).
  4. In MLA-formatted essay, with works cited, support your position. 


You should not put Sparky in the microwave because . . .

1. It is unethical to torture a defenseless puppy for personal amusement.

2. Torturing animals will disgust your lover or spouse, and that lover or spouse will probably have nothing to do with you afterwards.

3. Microwaves radically elevate the temperature of biological liquids, including the fluids of the cardiovascular system and the inner-ear canal.

4. Cruelty to animals is a felony in Tennessee, and it could result in a five-to-ten-year prison sentence.

5. You might damage your expensive microwave.

6. You might damage my expensive microwave.

7. Sparky belongs to me.

8. You put the last one in the microwave, and it’s my turn now.

9. Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of war, forbids us to kill one of his holy avatars.

10. You will have to clean the microwave afterward.

11. Sparky is–gosh darn it–too cute for that!

12. Your suggestion that it will dry his coat and get rid of the "wet dog" smell is erroneous.

13. The strong always have an obligation to defend lesser creatures that are weak and helpless.

14. Burritos taste better than puppies when they are reheated.

15. All the food you cook in the microwave will taste like puppy hair afterwards.



PAPER FORMAT (From Module One)


Your name

SL Shoemaker

PHIL 2603

19 September 2024      


TITLE (Your choice — be creative)


ABSTRACT - Let’s me know your approach. 

  • Problem statement: What problem are you trying to solve?
  • Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results?
  • Approach: How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem
  • Results: What’s the answer
  • Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer? 


1ST PARAGRAPH  –  INTRODUCTION – Write something to entice and interest your reader.



Using the Parts of The Cluster Writing Form:

1) Contention – a claim, conclusion, or thesis

2) Support – a facts, anecdotes, examples, or quotes

3) Commentary – There are three possible parts here:   Tells How or Why the support sustains the contention (one can do both to make the chunk paragraph longer), and may also contain a Value Statement for fortification

*** These steps may appear in any order and can be done in sentence multiplexes, where more than one set of supports and connecting commentary are given;  Further, it is common to begin with the supporting facts.                                   



Using the Parts of The Cluster Writing Form:

1) Contention – a claim, conclusion, or thesis

2) Support – a facts, anecdotes, examples, or quotes

3) Commentary – There are three possible parts here:  Tells How or Why the support sustains the contention (one can do both to make the chunk paragraph longer), and may also contain a Value Statement for fortification

*** These steps may appear in any order and can be done in sentence multiplexes, where more than one set of supports and connecting commentary are given;  Further, it is common to begin with the supporting facts.


4TH PARAGRAPH – CONCLUSION wrapping up your arguments; Never write "In conclusion…" — we can tell it is the conclusion, as it is the final thing.



> CITATIONS – All evidence must be MLA-format; example: (Smith 2) — after all info agreeing with works cited –  But just two or maybe three is too little, too lean and weak. 

> WORKS CITED — SOURCES – make sure that you do MLA format works cited, otherwise illegal.                 

> REQUIREMENTS – see assignment, look for particulars                             

> PERSUASION – Backed by reasoning and evidence – facts, quotes, anecdotes  —