Adolescence Challenge Powerpoint

Human Behavior II – Adolesence Challege 

My topic is: Residential Treatment of Children 12-18. 
Please base this information around the Residential Treatment in Hampton Roads Virginia.  Please specify the reason for the treatment and how to prevent these type of services being needed. 


Each group will prepare to lead the class in a discussion about a specific adolescent challenge, i.e. Adolescents and Education, Adolescents and the Family, Adolescent Parenthood.  The area of challenge will be selected from list provided.
The following areas should be included:
  1. Comprehensive overview of the problem (description, incidence, prevalence)
  2. Social Work Practice Implications (minimum 3)
  3. Support with at least five bibliographic resources
  4. The class discussion should last 7- 10  minutes
The following should be submitted to the Instructor:
  1. One Paragraph overview of the problem
  2. List of five resources
  3. Three Social work practice implications
Discussion will be graded on:
    1. Coverage of topic
    2. Resource list
    3. Implications
    4. Quality of relevant content