Final Paper Assignment Instructions
This assignment will help you draw together the major themes and the thesis of this class by allowing you to choose from a variety of topics a path towards individual research in an area of your specific interest.
For this assignment, you may choose 1 of the following on which to write. Be sure that you answer ALL the questions addressed in your chosen question:
- How have the wars America has fought since the Korean War differed from those before the Korean War?
- How has American leadership changed or remained constant throughout the Wars discussed in this class? Be sure to cover at least four different leaders within the purview of this class.
- How have the American Ways of Warfare changed throughout the Modern American Military history experience?
- Is it fair to describe a Pax Americana or a world military force reflective of American military capabilities? How have the American Ways of Warfare become more or less relevant in describing this relatively recent growth of deployment and use of power abroad?
The Final Paper Assignment should meet the following requirements:
· Must be a minimum of 7 full pages in length.
· Conform to Turabian format.
· Must include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources using books, journals, and websites. Websites that end in .mil, .gov, or .edu are acceptable. Do not use .com or .org websites.
· Each source must be properly cited via footnotes and in the Bibliography.