Script Coverage
Script Coverage
Criteria Ratings Pts

The coverage submitted in the proper format with all the areas filled out correctly.
Don’t forget the "Recommendation" grid at the end!

10 pts

Full Marks
The proper format was followed. The presentation is easy to read. The elements (genre, locale, setting, etc) were identified correctly.

7 pts

Some of the elements were missing / incorrect or the format was not followed.

4 pts

Directions were not followed

0 pts

No Marks
10 pts

A one to three-sentence summary of the script written in a way to grab the reader’s attention.

OZARK – A financial adviser drags his family from Chicago to the Missouri Ozarks, where he must launder money to appease a drug cartel.

15 pts

Full Marks
The logline is superior – it succinctly captures the story and is clearly communicated.

12 pts

Very Good
It is too long but the key points were covered.

9 pts

A solid attempt was made but could have used more thought.

6 pts

Did not achieve goal
Usually, the logline is too long or too short. It also might not correctly address the story.

0 pts

No Marks
15 pts

All the characters in the script need to be on the breakdown in the order of the size of the role.
Sm Supporting
Each Character must be assigned a gender and age.
The description of the character must match the script exactly.

25 pts

Excellent Breakdown
The breakdown can be used as written for a casting director to start filling the roles. The characters were correctly identified (lead, supporting etc) by their size or importance. The descriptions matched the script.

20 pts

Very Good
Good work, but some element was either missing or could have been explained in greater details.

15 pts

The breakdown mostly followed the format but there were elements missing or not followed correctly.

10 pts

Directions were not followed
Directions were not followed. Usually, this is a case where the breakdown is taken from watching the film and not from reading the screenplay.

0 pts

No Marks
25 pts

The synopsis is a summary of the script. It must be sufficient and yet concise enough that the reader can "fake" having read the script but still save time from reading the script. All major and material story points are addressed. "Just the facts ma’am."

50 to >43.0 pts

There is a short summary of all the important scenes. The reader will be able to "fake it" and may never need to read the script. The delivery was in the tone of the writer.

43 to >35.0 pts

Very Good
The reader can fake it but the summary may be too long or too short. The summary delivers the major plot elements but does not convey the writer’s tone.

35 to >25.0 pts

The summary is either too verbose defeating the purpose of a short fast read – or – it is too short and leaves out key elements that are pertinent to the story.

25 to >0.0 pts

Directions were not followed
Key aspects of the directions were simply not achieved.

0 pts

No Marks
50 pts

The comments section must show a thoughtful analysis of the script. The writer must articulate sound statements based on the material read and took a position.

Some (all are not required) questions worth pondering include the following: Was it well written? Who is the audience? What is the budget? How difficult would this film be to market/sell? How expensive would a marketing campaign be? Is it an easy or hard sell? What venue (streaming, theater, etc) do you think would be good for this film? What actors or directors do you think could handle this material?
Basically any thought you have on the creative or business aspects of reading this script.
There is no word count or exact length but should show extensive thought (generally one to two single-lined pages).

50 to >43.0 pts

Full Marks
Excellent work. Thoughtful analysis with well-reasoned remarks. The critique (both positive and negative) was backed with insight into the material. The writer demonstrated an understanding of material gone over in-class lectures and readings regarding analyzing content.

43 to >35.0 pts

Very good
The script was contemplated and comments were appropriate. Some key elements, particularly aspects covered in class or in the reading, were not addressed.

35 to >25.0 pts

Solid Attempt
The writer did not take a position or articulate an understanding of the screenplay. Key elements were missing. The writer could have gone deeper.

25 to >0.0 pts

Directions were not followed
Much of the requirements for this section were simply not addressed.

0 pts

No Marks
50 pts
Total Points: 150