Create Issues for a person

Create three seperate issues that have undelining themes. Should mirror following website’s format and writing style:
Below are the issues and the undelining themes. Also included a bio for reference and context. Issues should be between 100-200 words. 

Public Safety – Hit on three points: 1) fight to increase crime; 2) increase training and education for officers; 3) increase mental health and not have it be a stigma


Example of what it should look like:

Sen. Cornyn knows firsthand the dedication of the men and women who protect our fellow Texans. While serving as Attorney General of Texas, the state’s chief law enforcement officer, Sen. Cornyn created and backed numerous initiatives to strengthen law enforcement, including the groundbreaking Texas Exile program, which increases penalties for criminal gun use by convicted felons, and the Texas Internet Bureau, which targets child predators and human traffickers.

Senator Cornyn has taken his Texas experience to the United States Senate, advocating for issues that bolster law enforcement through his work on the Judiciary Committee.  He believes that local, state, and federal authorities must work together as partners to enforce the law, and that they must be given the legal tools and funding resources necessary to do their jobs well.   He believes policymakers in Washington, D.C. can learn many commonsense lessons from the successes of the Texas criminal justice system.


Education – Hit on three points: 1) Brian was a product of the Clark County School District; 2) Break up the Clark County School District (notes: he Clark County School District has grown too large to be responsive to the ever-changing needs of our diverse communities and the extensive needs of our students. This initiative will allow for the creation of smaller districts that are likely nimbler, more responsive, and better suited to serve the children they are entrusted to educate); 3) increase school choice.


Example of what it should look like:


Every child deserves the best start in life, and that means access to a first-class education system. He understands the necessity of helping all children achieve their potential and knows that good schools strengthen our society by giving young Texans a strong foundation to help them succeed as citizens and individuals.

Senator Cornyn understands the results we want for our children require accountability for education providers but that federal bureaucracy and red tape keep us from reaching it. That is why his efforts in the Senate are focused on providing states and local school districts the freedom to design innovative, educational programs that fit the needs of each child and individual school districts. He believes higher education provides individuals with opportunities for success and economic mobility, whether that means an associate’s degree, a workforce certification, or a bachelor’s degree and beyond.  For this reason, he has supported expanding aid for low-income students, increasing dual-credit or early college courses, and implementing market-based reforms to federal loan interest rates to help students and parents.

Economic Diversity – Hit on three points: 1) Reduced regulations and taxes; 2) Remove unnecessary mandates (masks and vaccines) for small businesses; 3) diversify our economy away from gaming and mining and bring in different sectors such as manufacturing.


Example of what is should look like:


Senator Cornyn believes that the goal of our economic policies should be to create an environment that fosters economic production, job growth, and an increase in real wages.

The key to a prosperous economy is reducing the high level of taxation on Americans and businesses that has stunted their economic growth. Tax relief will allow American businesses to innovate and create jobs, and allow American families to keep more of what they earn. In 2017, the Senate passed the most comprehensive tax reform in the last three decades, and you can learn about this historic legislation here.

Congress must also be careful stewards of your tax dollars, focusing on lowering annual deficits and recovering from our $22 trillion debt so future generations can enjoy the same opportunities available today. By eliminating excessive spending and increasing economic activity over time, we can reduce the current budget deficit. 


Constitutional Rights –  Hit on three points: 1) limit Gov emergency powers; 2) supports 2nd Amendment, Veterans and Police; 3) supports individual freedoms


Example of what is should look like:


Senator Cornyn learned the value of patriotic service to our country from his father who spent 31 years in the military, beginning as a B-17 pilot in World War II.  Growing up in an Air Force family and moving from base to base, Sen. Cornyn saw firsthand the sacrifices made by those who dedicate themselves to defending freedom at home and abroad. 


Senator Cornyn knows our nation can never do enough to repay those who have selflessly served and sacrificed for our country.  He is committed to making certain that our nation’s active duty, National Guard, and Reserve military forces receive the best training, equipment, and education, and that our veterans receive the highest-quality health care, services, and benefits they so rightly deserve. 


Texas is home to almost one in every 12 U.S. service members, as well as 15 major military installations and several defense production facilities that manufacture critical military aircraft vital to sustaining American air superiority.  These programs are good for Texas and good for America, providing thousands of high-paying jobs while producing the tools our military needs to dominate the modern battlefield and keep our nation safe. 

Below is a bio for reference: 

Las Vegas born and raised, born in Sunrise Hospital 

Youngest of three children, older brother and sister 

Mother was a Registered Nurse 

Father was a union plumber/pipefitter 

Attended local public schools: O.K. Adcock Elementary, Booker 6th Grade Center, Garside JR High School, Bonanza High School. 

Began volunteer work with LVMPD Explorer program at age 15 

Hired as a LVMPD Civilian Employee 1994 

Promoted to Police Officer 1998/Volunteer as Explorer Advisor 

Promoted to Sgt. 2007 

Married, wife Tracy, 2 senior rescue dogs, Cooper and Hera 

Life member of RNC, NRA and LV Emerald Society 

Co-Founder/Director of Ex-Con Inc NV 501c3 

Volunteer with Just 1 Project at local pop-up food bank 

Volunteer for J4NG (Jobs for Nevada Graduates) 

Volunteer for LIT (Leaders in Training) 

Lived in AD13 for almost 18 years