Critical Literature Review: Ethics and Governance

From each of these readings, identify whether each uses Deontology, Teleology or Virtue ethics, or a combination to justify their approach. While it may seem like a challenging reading task, please remember, the use of these given readings makes your assignment easier.

Assignment 1 is presented in an essay format and no template is provided.

These two readings give you significant opportunities to demonstrate your understanding of ethics theories. For both of these readings, identify and critically discuss at least two underpinning ethics theories, that inform the authors approaches.

For each of the theories you choose to discuss, find at least one more reading that helps support your definition of the theory, e.g. readings that substantiate definitions of normative theories (Kantian, Deontology, Utilitarianism), or non-normative theories.

In your analysis, focus on aspects of the readings that demonstrate aspects of an underpinning ethics theory.

To assist, you may wish to consider:

Analytically, do you find one or more than one ethics perspective? If so, which are they and why?

  • You could critically analyse the selected aspects or features of the paper against the ethics perspectives.
  • Using appropriate in-text citations, you may indicate paragraphs of the papers that may sustain your justification, but you must not cut and paste verbatim, but learn to cite the paragraph and produce paraphrased analysis.
  • Critically analyse the selected paragraph for normative or non-normative (including psychological) approach to study of ethics.