Cultural Studies English 101 Analysis Essay

Cultural Studies English 101 Analysis Essay

Bowie State University Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies

English 101 Fall 2018

ESSAY #2—Analysis Essay


An author who writes analysis essays explains a central idea through examples.Good examples are used to clarify points while helping to build a connection with readers. In formulating analysis essays, a writer either focuses on one specific example or uses several examples in explaining the central idea.

Genre/Medium:Analysis/ Hand-Written essay

Purpose:The writer of an analysis essay uses examples to explain a point and/or topic to the reader. For this assignment you will write an analysis essay that follows the five-paragraph essay format on one of the essay topics listed below.

Format:Your five-paragraph essay must contain a concrete closed (parallel, three-point) thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph and follow the MLA guidelines.

Audience:This essay will target a scholarly audience. Therefore, your language and style should meet the intellectual needs of individuals who read on a collegiate level and pique their interests.

Stance/role: What attitude and information (about yourself as a student) will you convey through the analysis essay?Think about what you want to communicate to the reader (i.e., the professor) and convey your stance throughout your essay.

Instructions: 1. Outline a five-paragraph essay on one of the prompts below.

2. Write a five-paragraph essay on one of the prompts below in-class.

3. Submit your draft.


1. It has been said that “anger is not a disease to be cured but a path on the road to comprehending the world.” In the movie, many of the characters are angry and their anger causes them to act out in ways that may seem uncivilized.

Write an essay that analyzes how anger hinders or contributes to the character’s growth.

2. Mildred Hayes is determined, resolute, and steadfast to solve her daughter’s death, even if it jeopardizes her son Robin’s happiness or the health of Chief Willoughby.

Write an essay that analyzes whether Mildred’s tactics to achieve justice for her daughter are noble.

3. Mildred Hayes and Deputy Dixon can be characterized as having similar personalities. By the end of the film, however, they each have an epiphany after reading their letters from Chief Willoughby.

Write an essay that analyzes whether Deputy Dixon or Mildred Hayes achieve redemption in the film.

4.The families portrayed in the film are sometimes hostile and confrontational; however, each family manages to display love in their own ways.

Write an essay that analyzes how the dynamics of one family contributes to one of the following themes: justice, community, and prejudice.

Holistic Essay Grading Rubric

Holistic Grade

(in 10s)




Logic & Reasoning



100 – 90 points

The essay has a clear thesis statement that is exceptionally appropriate for the topic, and/or

contains three parallel points that address the prompt and logically connect with the paragraphs

presented in the essay through analysis.

The essay is well organized. Paragraphs are coherent and unified. Each supporting paragraph

begins with a topic sentence and covers a single topic that connects to the thesis and topic sentence

with effective details and examples or supportive ideas. Each paragraph contains effective

transitions that control the flow of the essay.

The essay’s content is superior and efficiently addresses the topic, rhetorical concepts, and

requirements of the assignment.

The essay is sophisticated; it promotes critical thinking, displays sound logic and reasoning, and

dispels rudimentary or simplistic

Sentence structure and diction are clear and appropriate for the intended audience. Subordination

and coordination are presented to create a sophisticated rhetorical style. Words are exceptionally

appropriate and well chosen.

The essay demonstrates mastery in grammar and mechanics. The essay does not contain spelling,

punctuation, or typographical errors. Agreement errors, wordiness, passive voice, pronoun

reference errors, and ambiguous modifiers are not present or these errors do not impede meaning

or overly distract the reader.

80 points

The essay has a clear thesis statement that is appropriate for the topic and contains three parallel

points that address the prompt and logically connect with the paragraphs presented in the essay.

The essay is well organized. The majority of the paragraphs display coherence and unity. The

supporting paragraphs begin with a topic sentence and cover a single topic that connects to the

thesis and the topic sentence with details and examples or supportive ideas. Each paragraph

contains transitions that aid in the flow of the essay.

The essay’s content is appropriate and adequately addresses the topic, rhetorical concepts, and

requirements of the assignment.

The essay mostly promotes critical thinking; ideas are logical, appropriate, and reasoned.

Examples support the claims and the topic shows evidence of some research.

Sentence structure and diction are clear and address an appropriate audience. Subordination and

coordination are presented to create an appropriate rhetorical style. Words are appropriate.

The essay demonstrates control over grammar and mechanics. The essay does not contain major

spelling, punctuation, or typographical errors. Agreement errors, wordiness, passive voice,

pronoun reference errors, or ambiguous modifiers are present, but these errors are few and do not

impede meaning or distract the reader.

70 points

The essay has a thesis statement that contains three points that address the prompt and somewhat

connect with the paragraphs presented in the essay.

The essay is organized. The paragraphs are somewhat coherent or unified. The supporting

paragraphs contain a central idea, but sometimes may be ineffective at covering a single topic that

connects the thesis. Details and examples or supportive ideas may be lacking. Some paragraphs

may contain transitions that aid in the flow of the essay.

The essay’s content is somewhat appropriate and somewhat addresses the topic, rhetorical

concepts, and requirements of the assignment.

The ideas presented in the essay are somewhat logical. The reasoning may be sound, but lacks

smoothness. The essay may not display ideas in an analytical or critical manner, or the essay

occasionally displays ideas in an analytical or critical manner. Examples somewhat support the


Sentence structure and diction are somewhat clear and address an audience. Some subordination

and coordination may be lacking. Words are somewhat appropriate.

The essay demonstrates some control over grammar and mechanics. The essay contains few

spelling, punctuation, or typographical errors. Some agreement errors, wordiness, passive voice,

pronoun reference errors, or ambiguous modifiers are present, but these errors do not impede

meaning or distract the reader.

60 points

The essay contains a thesis statement that contains two or three points that may not fully address

the prompt and somewhat connect with the paragraphs presented in the essay.

The essay is disorganized. The paragraphs are incoherent and lack unity. The supporting

paragraphs are ineffective at covering a single topic or idea that connects with the thesis sentence.

Details and examples or supportive ideas are not fully developed. The paragraphs lack effective

transitions between ideas and the flow of the essay needs improvement.

The essay’s content is inadequate and does not fully address the topic, rhetorical concepts, or

requirements of the assignment.

The ideas are illogical or are not fully developed. The essay displays rudimentary or simplistic

ideas. Examples do not support the claims or need more specific development.

Sentence structure and diction are not clear and do not fully address an intended audience.

Subordination or coordination is not used to present a rhetorical style. Words are inappropriately


The essay displays a lack of control over grammar and mechanics. The essay contains spelling,

punctuation, or typographical errors. Agreement errors, wordiness, passive voice, pronoun

reference errors, or ambiguous modifiers are present and these errors slightly impede meaning or

distract the reader.

50 – 0 points

The essay does not reveal an easily identifiable thesis statement or the thesis is ineffective; it may

contain one, two, or three points that do not fully address the prompt. The connection between

the thesis and the paragraphs presented in the essay is unclear.

The essay is extremely disorganized. The essay contains incoherent paragraphs (or may lack an

introduction, body, and/or conclusion). The supporting paragraphs are inefficient: the central idea

is not present or does not connect with the thesis sentence. Details and examples and supportive

ideas are lacking. Transitions are not present.

The essay’s content is off topic and does not address the rhetorical concepts or requirements of

the assignment.

The ideas are illogical and undeveloped. The essay does not display analytical or critical thinking.

Examples are insufficient or not present.

Sentence structure diction, word choice, and tone consistently detract from the readability of the

essay. Audience needs are not met.

The essay displays little control over grammar and mechanics. The essay contains excessive

spelling, punctuation, or typographical errors. Agreement errors, wordiness, passive voice,

pronoun reference errors, or ambiguous modifiers are present and impede meaning or distract the
