environnement polution

Earth 360 (Online) Signature Assignment for General Education Assessment 180215
Signature Assignment
The Earth 360 student will write a paper and create an oral presentation to satisfy a General Education “Signature Assignment” requirement. This signature assignment will assess student proficiency in Writing and Oral Presentation by using AACU rubrics posted in Blackboard. In the case of the Oral Presentation, students will assess each other’s presentations with the Oral Communication rubric as a significant portion of their Participation component of course grade.
You will write a 1000- to 1500-word paper on a topic related to the course and also of importance to YOU. This could be a thorough description of a nation and various problems affecting it, but it could also be about environmental issues, environmental justice, climate change and its effects upon ecosystems and organisms, or almost any other topic that is of interest to you and is somehow connected to the Earth and its inhabitants.
 Introduction: Provide a brief introduction, including WHY you chose the topic and a brief summary of WHAT you discovered during your research.
 Body of Paper: Typically, if you keep WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW, and WHY uppermost in your mind, you will research a topic thoroughly and have something very interesting to share, which is fun and interesting for the entire class.
 Conclusion: This should be brief but specific, similar to the Introduction.
 Citations: You MUST include at least 3 citations (NO TEXTBOOKS ALLOWED).