Has to involve with global media & international communication. Look at the instructions.

– Times New Roman
– 12 pt font

Has to involve with global media & international communication. 

Answer the question first. 
Who and What mediates Global Comm & Global Media?

It has to be about either of the topics below.
Global Media Flows
– Determinants of News Coverage & Awareness
*National interest
*Trade & economics
*Historical relations
*Military relations
*Cultural proximity
Western View of the World
– Tourist
– Missionary
– Scholar/Intellectual
– Business intelligence
Major International Communication Tech Revolutions
– Alphabet, printing (traditional media)
Computer, Online (Digital Media)
– Computer/internet
– Online, digital media
Sweeping Changes in Knowledge and Information Industries
– Sources of Information
– Cybernetics
– Robotics
– IoT (Internet of Things)
– BlockChain
– Shrinking of Technology – Compress
What is Culture?
– Way of life
– Collective Intellectual Achievement
*Cumulative Knowledge
*Beliefs/learned behavior
*Rituals/practices/social habits