Read the Preface and Introduction, and Chapters 2-4 of Paul Hollander’s From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez: Intellectuals and A Century of Political Hero Worship. You will describe in your Introduction, analyze in your Body, and assess in your Conclusion.
- In your introduction, identify Hollander’s thesis and briefly summarize the major historical events that Hollander explores in chapters 2-4. End your introduction with, "In this paper, I will investigate and analyze…" Make sure you set this section off with the subhead, “Introduction.” (half page)
- In the body of your paper, analyze chapters 2 through 4 by telling me whether or not Hollander successfully demonstrates his thesis in the chapters on Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin. You have one and a third pages to analyze each chapter. Make sure each chapter you analyze has a creative subhead.
- Finally, in a one-page conclusion, tell me the significance of From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez. What are the keys to understanding Paul Hollander’s study? What lessons can be gained from his work? What contributions does his analysis make to controversial historical subjects and to improving your understanding of modern European history?
- Citation: End notes or footnotes with proper page-numbering must be done throughout the body of your paper when using quotes or referencing themes from passages in the book. I need to know where in the text you are drawing your information. .
Next, read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights. Read the Introduction and identify the authors’ thesis. In your essay, you will describing in your Introduction, analyzing in your Body, and assessing in your Conclusion. Your grade will be determined by how well you follow the directions below:
- In your introduction, identify the authors’ thesis and summarize the three sections of the book–their nature and purpose. End your introduction with, "In this paper, I will investigate and analyze…" This will demonstrate whether your review takes into account the beginning, middle and end of Prey. Make sure you set this section off with the subhead, “Introduction.” (half page)
- In the body of your paper, summarize and analyze at least three or four themes from Prey. When analyzing Hirsi Ali’s narrative, do her conclusions following from the facts? Are her interpretations consistent with the rules of logic and critical thinking? Make sure to divide each themes with your own creative subhead. (four pages)
- Finally, in a one-page conclusion, tell me the significance of Prey. What are the keys to understanding the author’s ideas and point of view? What impact(s) has immigration had on Europe? Finally, are the concerns the author has made valid or invalid? Either way, what lessons can be drawn from your review? Make sure you set this section off with the subhead, “Conclusion.” (one page)
- Citation: End notes with proper page-numbering must be done throughout the body of your paper when using quotes or referencing themes from passages in the book. I need to know where in the text you are drawing your information.
Paper Formatting Checklist
Separate Cover Pages: one for each book review critique; include your name, class, date, semester, title.
Length: 5.5 pages for each not including the title or reference page. Number your pages. Do not number the title page. Papers are not allowed to exceed 6 pages each. This requirement will help you develop your writing and editing to be more concise and articulate.
Spacing: Double, Font size: 12, and Margins: 1”
Subheads: Use “Introduction,” your own creative subheads in the body of your papers, and “Conclusion” (needed in both assignments