Based on Readings from The House on Mango Street
Choose any section on The House on Mango Street. Choose from the sections we have read and discussed in class thus far. That will be until page 25. Use any ONE of the sections to focus on a jumping off point to write about how a moment in your life, for example, an incident, a person, a word, your family, or a period of time, a place, or your name, has most influenced you to change your beliefs, attitudes, understanding, or interests in life.
For instance, by reading Mango Street (3-25), we can say that Esperanza was most influenced by her family’s moving into the house at Mango Street. She was also influenced by the people who were around her there. Each event had a different significance in her life which unfolds as we read through her experiences.
Choose a section from the book (till page 25) that most relates to your experiences thus far and then reflect on your life.
Draw upon a single moment, incident, person, place, word, or period in your life that has influenced you the most. As you make your selection, be sure to choose a moment that has influenced you for interesting reasons, so it will make a good essay.
In your essay, make sure you describe in detail the incident, moment, person, period, word, or place that affects/affected you. Don’t stop there, use the rest of the essay to explore and express the various reasons why and how the moment you chose defined or affected you. Provide examples so your readers can understand the impact of that moment through incidents in your life. Has the influence changed over time with developing maturity and life experiences? How? Why/why not?
This essay requires you to quote directly from the section of The House on Mango Street you have chosen to use. Word count=450 words. Page limit=2-3. Essay is typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, indented paragraphs, correct MLA/APA citation, Works Cited page at the end). 2 drafts due in class before final is graded.
Qs. to ask to help you outline thoughts for this paper:
Now, ask the same qs. to yourself:
Qs. to ask yourself so you can connect your understanding of the reading to a reflection on your life:
Choose any section on The House on Mango Street. Choose from the sections we have read and discussed in class thus far. That will be until page 25. Use any ONE of the sections to focus on a jumping off point to write about how a moment in your life, for example, an incident, a person, a word, your family, or a period of time, a place, or your name, has most influenced you to change your beliefs, attitudes, understanding, or interests in life.
For instance, by reading Mango Street (3-25), we can say that Esperanza was most influenced by her family’s moving into the house at Mango Street. She was also influenced by the people who were around her there. Each event had a different significance in her life which unfolds as we read through her experiences.
Choose a section from the book (till page 25) that most relates to your experiences thus far and then reflect on your life.
Draw upon a single moment, incident, person, place, word, or period in your life that has influenced you the most. As you make your selection, be sure to choose a moment that has influenced you for interesting reasons, so it will make a good essay.
In your essay, make sure you describe in detail the incident, moment, person, period, word, or place that affects/affected you. Don’t stop there, use the rest of the essay to explore and express the various reasons why and how the moment you chose defined or affected you. Provide examples so your readers can understand the impact of that moment through incidents in your life. Has the influence changed over time with developing maturity and life experiences? How? Why/why not?
This essay requires you to quote directly from the section of The House on Mango Street you have chosen to use. Word count=450 words. Page limit=2-3. Essay is typed (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, indented paragraphs, correct MLA/APA citation, Works Cited page at the end). 2 drafts due in class before final is graded.
Qs. to ask to help you outline thoughts for this paper:
Now, ask the same qs. to yourself:
Qs. to ask yourself so you can connect your understanding of the reading to a reflection on your life: