Logical Fallacy Debate Assignment

Debate Research Assignment

Worth 25% of your overall grade

Word Count: 2-3 pages (not including citations)



In this assignment, you will accurately summarize 2 debate articles and assess the impact of any logical fallacies. In the process, you will learn how to enter into important debates, assess the debate’s major opposing viewpoints, and provide solutions to fallacies.  You will also include accurate and consistent in-text citations as well as a Works Cited page (or follow the guidelines of the citation style of your choice)

This assignment will be the foundation for your Final Essay.


1)      In a substantive paragraph (7-9 sentences per paragraph x 2), craft an accurate summary of each of the debate articles in your chosen topic. Remember to include the following:

·         At least one paraphrase

·         At least one contextualized quotation

2)      In a page PER debate side, find a logical fallacy in each of the articles (one page of fallacy discussion for the pro-side of the debate and one page of fallacy discussion for the con-side of the debate). Remember to do the following:

·         Perform a “damage” assessment: how detrimental is the rhetorical fallacy to the main argument? (eg., Does it invalidate the article’s thesis entirely? Does it limit the reach of the argument? Does it have little bearing on the argument’s validity as a whole?)

·         Propose a solution to the fallacy

·         Use the MEAL plan

3)      Provide a Works Cited, using MLA citation style accurately


Grading Criteria

A Assignments:

·         Complete all instructions and meet paragraph/pages requirements

·         Offer accurate and insightful summaries that identify only the most important aspects of the debate articles

·         Identify the debate articles’ logical fallacies with clarity and precision, and demonstrate the larger implications of this fallacy for the debate as a whole. Provide an insightful solution to the rhetorical fallacy.

·         Are written in clear, elegant prose with little to no grammatical, syntax etc errors.

·         Use MLA accurately.

B Assignments

·         Complete all instructions and meet paragraph/pages requirements.

·         Offer accurate summaries that identify only the most important aspects of the debate articles.

·         Identify the debate articles’ logical fallacies in a clear fashion. Provide an insightful solution to the rhetorical fallacy.

·         Are written in clear prose with few grammatical, syntax etc errors.

·         Use MLA accurately.

C Assignments

·         Complete all instructions and mostly meet paragraph/pages requirements.

·         Offer fair summaries of the debate articles.

·         Identify the debate articles’ logical fallacies. Does not provide an adequate solution to the logical fallacy.

·         Are written in clear and accessible language, but are marred with grammatical etc errors.

·         Use MLA somewhat accurately.

D Assignments

·         Incomplete all instructions and do not paragraph/pages requirements.

·         Offer summaries of the debate articles.

·         Identify at least one rhetorical appeal used in the debate articles. Does not provide a solution to the logical fallacy.

·         Are written in opaque language and are marred with grammatical etc errors.

·         Use MLA inaccurately.





Logical Fallacy Debate Assignment READINGS


  • Should we genetically modify humans? CRISPR

  • Are SlutWalks Empowering?

  • Should we Include Trigger Warnings in the Classroom?

  • Should we Pay Student Athletes?

  • Should Canada adopt the Death Penalty?

  • Should we Acknowledge Native Lands in Schools and at Sporting Events?

  • Should we Pursue Animal Testing?

  • Is Wonder Woman Empowering?

    Is Wonder Woman Empowering?

    We start with the  debate at the UN but move into more general claims about WW for the final paper.
  • Should we embrance transhumanism and augment huamnity with technology?

  • Should we Include Trigger Warnings in the Classroom?

  • Should Influenza Vaccines be Mandatory for all health-care workers?

  • Should we pursue the Effective Altruism Movement?