Montgomery Bus Boycott

This Research paper is regarding the Montgomery Bus Boycott. There is no specific prompt, but based on the citations I provided you may create one for the topic regarding the bus boycott. If you cannot access the citations within my bibliography I will send them as pdf. Let me know. Here is the criteria below.

Research Paper (3)


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Writer’s thesis is lucid, focused, and goes beyond common knowledge to explore an idea/issue/question/theory that is complex and interesting to readers. The thesis gives the essay a clear and meaningful purpose, which is clarified early on and develops throughout the essay.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


Writer’s thesis is lucid, focused, and goes beyond common knowledge to explore an idea/issue/question/theory that is complex and interesting to readers. The thesis gives the essay a clear and meaningful purpose, which is clarified early on and develops throughout the essay.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Development & Complexity

Writer engages in sustained analysis (answering questions like “how,” “why,” and “so what?”) as claims and evidence are discussed. Writer clarifies what is at stake in the discussion or why an issue/idea matters (the implications and consequences of the essay’s main claim or question). Writer shows awareness of, and anticipates, audience response. Writer’s argument develops and evolves as the essay progresses.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Organization & Progression

Writer’s introduction effectively leads readers into the complex claim or question the paper will examine. Writer’s organization moves back and forth between evidence and claims that connect to each other and to the main claim or question guiding the paper. Writer’s conclusion culminates the discussion appropriately by pursuing implications or answers to “so what?” The ending avoids unnecessary repetition and/or summary of the paper, and leaves readers still thinking.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Expression & Conventions

Writer’s essay shows strong command of the conventions of Standard Written English. Care is shown with spelling, sentences, and punctuation (evidence of proofreading and editing). Writer edits and crafts for clarity, coherence, and/or emphasis. Clear transitions connect paragraphs and sentences. Writer shows an awareness of audience and establishes a tone that is consistent with the writing’s rhetorical context and purpose. Writer shows care in formatting, including in-text citations and other requirements of the specified documentation style (e.g., works cited page).

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Analysis & Critical Thinking

Writer explores central idea through thoughtful analysis and reflection. Analysis might include one or more of the following: exploring a significant tension, considering multiple perspectives, considering implications and/or assumptions in a text or idea, applying a text or theory as a lens, and/or asking questions that help the writer understand his or her topic more fully. Writer uses evidence to set up his/her own ideas/claims/questions and maintains a conversation with the sources, instead of just dropping quotes, facts, or expert opinions without commentary or analysis. Writer demonstrates willingness to consider and engage alternate viewpoints (if appropriate).