Perform a literature review search on the issue, including selecting a minimum of 5 appropriate resources (not older than 5 years) from the following list (1 of which must be a formal research study):

Research Project – Course Objectives 3,4,6

 Each student will select a practice issue of interest for in-depth evaluation. You have the liberty of staying with the same topic from week one or choosing another topic. Once the issue is selected, each student will:

  1. Perform a literature  review search on the issue, including selecting a minimum of 5 appropriate resources (not older than 5 years) from the following list (1 of which must be a formal research study):
    1. Research articles – quantitative or qualitative or mixed-method
    2. Clinical practice guidelines
    3. Evidence-based or quality improvement literature
    4. Review or similar article that defines or outlines the practice issue.
  2. Use the assigned evaluation criteria found in Appendix E to formally critique one research study. Make sure to attach Appendix E with your paper.
  3. Summarize the issue, the findings, and propose an improvement plan in a 5-7 page formal paper, not including title page, references, and appendices.
  4. Suggest an evidence-based plan based on findings to address the practice issue and improve patient care, safety, and or quality.