The title for the thesis is “The Impact of a Nurse-Led Education Program for Obese and Overweight Teenagers in Singapore”
The research question is “What is the effectiveness of a Nurse-Led education program in reducing obesity and overweight among Teenagers in Singapore”.
Suggested Word Count for each Chapter
- Chapter 1: Introduction (1500 words)
- Chapter 2: Literature review (3500 words)
- Chapter 3: Research proposal (3500 words)
- Chapter 4 – Summary (1500 words)
Important Notes (Please ensure you fully understand the following):
- A sample (Sample Thesis (Distinction).pdf) has been provided for your reference. Please follow closely to how it was done.
- A PRISMA Diagram (PRISMA Diagram.png) is provided. Please use it in Chapter 2 – Search Results.
- The 7 articles are provided – 7 & Data extraction table.docx
- I have done 2 drafts (Draft 1.docx & Draft 2.docx), you may use some of the information within but do not copy totally.
- For Research Design
- Quantitative – Survey, a template has to be attached under Appendix
- 2 Secondary Schools in Singapore – School A & School B
- Sample size 100 per school
- Result – You have to made up the data
- Additional Resources Provided
- Thesis Writing
- Lec
- Additional