WOH disc 8

Discussion #8-What reallycaused the Protestant Reformation?

The economic, political, and social changes that occurred duringthe fifteenth and early sixteenth century inevitably led to the ProtestantReformation.  European Christianity had been in serious decline sincethe Great Schism, but the religious crisis that began in 1517 will result in aseries of religious wars throughout Europe that will last for over acentury. It will also end the religious, political,  andeconomic dominance held by the Roman Catholic Church.

In order to prepare for this discussion, you must first completethe following readings.  

        Readthe PrimarySource: Table Talk

        View the PBS video program Martin Luther: ReluctantRevolutionary

        Read the Opposing Viewpoints documents in the Religion andPhilosophy section titled A Reformation Debate: Conflictat Marburg, in section 15-1c.

After you have completed your readings and viewing, respond toonly ONE the following questions,(choose 1 or 2)   and post yourresponse.  Use information from the assigned material to support yourdiscussion. 

1.    “European Christianity had been in serious decline sincebefore the Protestant Reformation.  The real factors causing theProtestant Reformation had nothing to do with religion.”  Discuss ifyou agree or disagree with this statement.

2.    Both Zwingli and Luther were prominent figures in the ProtestantReformation, but each had different interpretations of key religiousdogmas.  Notice the interaction between the two in the Debate document. In your opinion, was it possible for a compromise or reconciliation to haveoccurred between them, or between the Reformers and the Catholic Church? 


