Write third-person, 500-word essay analyzing “South African Storm” and Allison Howard’s reference to Gandhi in her closing statement.

Write third-person, 500-word essay analyzing "South African Storm" and Allison Howard’s reference to Gandhi in her closing statement.

 Focus Question: 

How do Gandhi’s words apply to Allison Howard’s message in "The South African Storm"?


Suggestions Only–write what feels comfortable for you.

Possible focal points of your essay:

about Allison Howard

  • What is the author’s message?
  • Why does Howard quote Gandhi at the end of her essay?

about Gandhi:

  • What is the quote used?
  • What does it mean?

Gandhi and Howard:

  • Why does Howard quote Gandhi at the end of her essay?  
  • Does it fit into Howard’s message?
  • How does Gandhi explain the changes Howard makes in her life?

Your connection to Howard and Gandhi:

  • Should you, as a college student, follow Gandhi’s advice?
  • How can you and other college students, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
  • What would be the impact if more humans followed Gandhi’s advice?