- Tan, Amy. “Mother Tongue.” The Threepenny Review, vol. 43, 1990, 7-8.
Code switching is the practice of alternating between two or more
languages or varieties of language in conversation (Oxford Dictionary).
What is Tan illustrating about this in her essay Mother Tongue? Is she
imploring us to find value in language commonly thought of as broken?
Why? Include a discussion of literary devices to help ground your analysis on the text.
languages or varieties of language in conversation (Oxford Dictionary).
What is Tan illustrating about this in her essay Mother Tongue? Is she
imploring us to find value in language commonly thought of as broken?
Why? Include a discussion of literary devices to help ground your analysis on the text.
Remember to consider Tans choices as an author. Cite the essay/book in your paper
in order to provide evidence for your argument each paragraph (except the introduction and the conclusion) should include at least one quote. Dont just put quotes into the paper be
sure to introduce them and explain why youve brought the quote in. Tell us what the quote
shows about the essay why is it meaningful? What is revealed? Why does it matter?