Community Assessment

I have completed the assignment and relative information. I just need a rewrite on my reflection, editing and APA formating. I tip well if all of rubric met! I have attached the work. Below are directions from professor. 


    • Template outline to complete tables:  MCH Indicators Assignment  Download MCH Indicators Assignment   
    • Change or delete words in blue or blue italic and replace them with your information/data


  1. MCH Data table 
  • Change table headings to reflect your county and your state
  • View example table in the template provided above
  • Clearly indicate the year and source for each cell as superscript followed by a brief citation in a Key under your table. See the example table above.
  • All of the citations used for your table must be included on your APA reference page. 
  • Superscripts should be in alphabetical order in the cells from left to right. To create a superscript in Word, highlight the text you want to change to a superscript, click the superscript button (looks like x exponent 2). It is located in the Home tab, in the font group.
  • Use lower case letters in your table key for citations from the same source and year. This will enable you to differentiate references from the same source and year. 
  • MMR: Unless you live in a very large city (New York, LA, Detroit, etc.) you are not likely to find the MMR for your county. For that cell, please insert N/A*.  Then, in the key, list two credible sources where you searched unsuccessfully for that data. Do not try to calculate your countys MMR. The denominator is too small. 
  • Citing Healthy People 2030. See Common References  Download Common Referenceslink.


   2. County/Local Health Disparity Table

 Identify a local MCH disparity by displaying a correlation between one local demographic factor and one poorly performing local MCH indicator.

  • Identify a local (your county) MCH indicator (one of the 4–IMR, PTB, LBW, or EAPNC) that will be the one that is performing most poorly based either in the table or in disparity data that you find. Please do not use MMR as a local disparity.
  • Identify one subpopulation in your community that has the poorest outcomes for your chosen MCH indicator. This could be but is not limited to race, ethnicity, income level, maternal age, maternal education, marital status, smoking, substance use disorder, maternal pregestational obesity, etc. (If your health disparity is not one of these, consider checking with your course faculty).
  • Search for evidence that a certain population of women has poorer outcomes than the general population for a particular indicator. This documented difference is then considered a health disparity in your community.
  • You must compare the data of your targeted sub-population to similar sub-populations to document that there is a disparity within your target group. 


    • Example County MCH Indicator: High rates of low birth weight babies.
    • Example subpopulation with increased LBW: maternal age-teen mothers
    • If you suspect that teen pregnancies are associated with low birth weight then your documentation would include:
      • low birth weight rate for people age 15-19
      • low birth weight rate for people age 20-29, 30-39, and 40 and above.


What if you are aware of a high percentage of a social demographic factor in your community but cannot find the data to show a correlation to a poorly performing MCH indicator in your county? 

This problem might arise for those who live in small or rural communities with lower population.  If you cannot find a disparity for an MCH indicator in your county, you can create a disparity table with data from your state. Your table will be the same as the sample table in the template, however instead of having a column for data in your local community (county) the column will be for data from your state. Make sure to choose a subpopulation that exists within your county. For example, dont share data that American Indian people have a higher rate of preterm birth in your state if you dont have an American Indian population in your county.


  • County MCH indicator: Low Birth Weight (LBW) 
    • Performs the most poorly based on your table (even if lower than national or HP2030 goal)
  • Suspected disparity (your theory): LBW disparity for teens
    • You think there may be a link but cant find local stats on teen pregnancy and LBW.  Use state data to show that teen pregnancy is associated with increased rates of LBW at the state level. From that you can infer that teens in your local county will also have a higher risk of LBW.

 3. Response

  • Considering what you’ve learned in assignment 6, respond to these questions in 1 paragraph. All information should be factual (if you are guessing or assuming you should say so) and data (with citation) should be used when it supports your statements. 
  1. Based on the data you collected, what is the most concerning MCH indicator from table 1 in your community? Why?
  2. What did you learn from your MCH disparity table? Why did you choose this disparity?
  3. Looking at the data and considering the information you gathered from Assignment 5, what social and/or structural factors may contribute to this disparity in your community?