Throughout this semester, you will be required to keep a journal of your participation and learning. These ‘knowledge checks’ will include your major learnings of the topics and concepts covered each week in the City Hall classes, and Seneca class lectures, Power Point slides, and resources. You may want to use the following questions as a guide.
What are the major things you leaned? How do these learnings relate to your previous knowledge, your personal life, your career choice? What did you learn from the resources that supplemented your learning?
The purpose of this assignment is for you to provide short written entries as a way of exploring your learning. The idea is to write freely and practice writing skills while reflecting on what you learned about the varied topics covered that are most impactful on you. Each Knowledge Check (12 in total) must be in your own words. There is no word count. Please write what you need to cover the major things you learned etc.