Work to narrow down your topic to a specific phenomenon or problem whose causes or effects can be addressed in 3 to 4 pages. For example, attempting to discuss the possible causes of domestic violence would be way too broad for this assignment. Instead of focusing on domestic violence, you might narrow down your topic to examining the reasons why women convicted of violent crimes receive longer prison sentences than men, for instance, or the results of batterer rehabilitation programs.
Grading Criteria:
Success with Genre: Does your essay include the important features of a causal? Do you describe the causes or effects of the issue you are investigating? Do you discuss the stakes? Do you provide sufficient evidence to support your claims? Do you provide your readers with any background information they need?
Organization: Is your essay logically organized? Do you include an introduction in which you state your main point (your causal claim)? Do you have a strong conclusion? Are your paragraphs focused, and do you use transitions and topic sentences effectively?
Writing Style and Mechanics: Is your writing clear and understandable? Is it concise? Is it well-edited and free from mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word
ps. you can choice what ever topic you choe to write about